my site wear WOOPRA…

the post below were suppose to be for my previous site, so it doesn’t have any connection with this site…

Yes.. Woopra..
After a long waited time, the woopra team finally approved my site.
For you who don’t know what woopra is then I’ll give you a little bit of explanation (although I’m not good at it).
woopra is a FREE LIVE web traffic and statistic analytics that you could see right at your desktop. You could see that visitor coming and out of your site, all recorded by their IP, geo location, browser, platform, how long their took their time reading and drooling in our site, and even the measure of their cloth (this think happens only if you really know the person in real life and their already been tag as your friend at woopra.. Hahahahaha)

But the pain is, you had to wait a very long time until the woopra staff aproved you, and thats “if” they approved your site (your site must have maximum 10.000 page views/day, 10.000!!!! I’ll dance like a drunken mad man at my bed if my site get 500 clicks/day…)

And so.. I’m still learning my new “toy” now and winking to everyone else who hasn’t been approved yet… ;;)

*to the woopra developer, I wish you could make a nice widget for decorating our sites……

3 thoughts on “my site wear WOOPRA…

  1. ah.. ini ya, yang pernah diceritain si maseko beberapa waktu lalu. katanya at least harus punya e-mail dengan domain sendiri, dengan kata lain harus punya domain sendiri ga nebeng yang gratisan kaya saya. Hehehe

    keuntungannya apa aja sih mas? cerita-cerita lagi dong ntar.. 🙂

  2. @Bu Noor
    daftar aja bu, tapi… harus punya web/blog yang pakai hosting sendiri……

    iya ga, tapi waktu maseko ngebahas saya sudah mulai ngedaftar.
    jadi… luama nian yah……. 😛
    keuntungannya ya seperti yang sudah saya bilang diatas dan mungkin maseko bilang. dan yang pasti… seru aja liat pengunjung yang datang dan pergi sembari was2 ini rumah laku apa engga karena masih sering sepi gitu… Hahahahahaha…

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